Investing In Our Future With Wire Finishing Machine and Panel Design Software

Investing In Our Future With Wire Finishing Machine and Panel Design Software

We are thrilled to share some significant developments at OSCO Controls that aim to enhance our manufacturing processes and improve the products and services we deliver to you.

In response to our considerable growth over recent years, we have prioritized upgrading our operational capabilities to better meet your needs. We have taken a significant step forward by investing in a state-of-the-art, fully automated wire finishing machine and advanced control panel design software.

Key Upgrades:

Automated Wire Finishing Machine:

  • Enhanced Quality and Efficiency: This new technology ensures higher precision in wire cutting and finishing, significantly boosting the quality and efficiency of our assembly processes.
  • Streamlined Production: By automating wire cutting, we reduce manual labor, thereby decreasing production hours while maintaining exceptional accuracy.
  • Versatile Applications: The machine’s flexibility allows us to handle a diverse range of applications, adapting easily to various specifications and requirements.

E-Plan Control Panel Design Software:

  • Integrated Data Workflow: The E-Plan software supports a seamless integration of our design and manufacturing process, improving the accuracy of panel assembly through detailed wire routing and component layout.
  • Optimized Planning and Documentation: With E-Plan, we can swiftly generate and access critical documents like Bills of Materials, wire diagrams, and panel layouts, which enhances our overall project efficiency.
  • Precise Component Information: This software ensures that every detail, from wire lengths to component placements, is meticulously planned and recorded, facilitating flawless execution.

Customer Benefits:

The introduction of these advanced tools will not only shorten our panel build times but also uphold the high quality you have come to expect from OSCO Controls. Additionally, these improvements grant us greater flexibility in panel design and output, directly benefiting your projects through quicker lead times and enhanced product value.

At OSCO Controls, our commitment is to continuously improve our processes to deliver superior value to you, our customer. We are excited about the ways these advancements will enhance our collaboration and help us serve you better.

Thank you for your continued partnership and trust in OSCO Controls. We look forward to continuing to serve your needs with these enhanced capabilities.