Control System for Steel Refractory Process
A stainless-steel foundry in Calvert, Alabama is implementing a new work platform lift to be used in their refractory process. The lift is designed with retractable shuttle decks providing workers easier access to the inner walls of the ladle so they can rebrick them. As part of the overall process improvement, the customer also wanted to integrate a simple-to-use control system to operate the functional design of the lift.
Our controls engineers designed the operating system to power the lift, move the lift up/down and retract/detract the shuttle decks. They integrated a wireless pushbutton control which is paired to the receiver so that you can have several systems in the same area without any crosstalk between one system to another. The wireless pushbutton option allows for greater flexibility in the sense that the operator can control the machine from virtually any position.
OSCO Controls services this market with innovative control solutions that present high performances and contributes to improved processes. Contact us for more information about our control solutions.
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